Disinfection Protocols for a Safe Massage Experience

The last thing your clients want to think about when they come in for a massage is germs, which is why infection prevention should be at the top of your mind at all times. Many people assume that infection prevention only matters during the client’s appointment, but in fact, the steps to stop infection start before your client even walks in the door. To ensure a safe experience for your clients, think about the “big picture” of infection prevention, from when you first book your appointment to when your client leaves feeling recharged and ready for whatever lies ahead.

During the Appointment

Once your client arrives and you are preparing for your appointment, hand washing is an important tool to prevent the spread of pathogens from your hands to the client. Check the client’s and your own skin for any breaks or cuts, and ensure that any wounds are appropriately covered. It is important to ensure that all surfaces that your client will come into contact with during the appointment have been properly disinfected with an EPA-registered hospital-grade disinfectant such as Prevention®. This includes the massage table, face cradle, and any tools such as cups or stones that will be used. If footwear such as sandals are provided, these should also be disinfected between each client. Ensure that clean linens are provided, including pillow cases, face cradle covers and sheets.

After the Appointment

The surfaces mentioned above will be disinfected again after the appointment, to prepare for the next client. Surfaces can be sprayed with Prevention Ready to Use (RTU) Spray, or wiped with Prevention Wipes and allowed to remain wet for a contact time of one minute to kill viruses, bacteria and fungi that may be present. Wipes offer a convenient solution to quickly disinfect massage tools and other high-touch surfaces between clients, whereas Prevention RTU Spray may be ideal for larger surfaces throughout the facility. For more sensitive materials, such as massage tables and face cradles, avoid over-saturating the surface with disinfectant; even disinfectants that are gentle on tools should be applied gently to avoid pooling of liquid, which helps avoid wear and tear. Even if gloves are not required from a safety perspective, it is a good practice to wear gloves while disinfecting. This helps protect against dry skin, while also acting as a barrier to prevent pathogens from contaminating your hands while you work.

Lastly, think about other high-touch surfaces that your client may touch throughout the course of their visit. For instance, point-of-sale equipment and door handles, while less obvious sources of infection, are touched frequently throughout the day and may also need to be disinfected. Downloading and posting protocols are a great way to ensure that all important surfaces are covered and that nothing gets missed.

You work hard to provide a relaxing experience for your clients – don’t let germs get in the way. By investing in infection prevention along every step of your client’s visit, you can rest assured that you’re doing your part to keep yourself, and your clients, safe.

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