Now you can make a difference and become a more green business. With a simple change to your sanitation practice, reuse and refill empty Prevention wipe canisters with refills. This eco-friendly initiative reduces your plastic waste footprint by up to 90% and saves you money by costing less than regular wipe canisters!
By using Prevention disinfectants in general and Prevention Refill Wipes specifically, you can achieve a greener facility for you and your clients:
Superior disinfection, superior safety and now a superior eco-profile, that’s the Prevention difference.
*when compared to regular canisters
Enter the number of plastic wipes containers you use in a month.
Source: Smithsonian Magazine
Cut along Prevention Refill Wipes pouch where indicated.
Slide open pouch into empty Prevention Wipes canister.
Pull first wipe through lid, close container and you’re ready to go.
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